
1. 餐饮业,烘焙店-
pos system,online ordering.
2. 美容美发,美甲,纹身-


3. 批发,零售业-

stock control,dealer ordering.

4. 电脑电话零售修理-

pos,stock control,repair status checking.

5. 汽车修理-

workshop management system.

6. 诊所中医-clinic management system.

Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.

7. 补习中心,学校,健身拳馆-

school management system.

8. 装修,广告,建筑业-

Team management system.

9. 视频文字转语音-

Text to speech system.

Floating Item


1. 餐饮业、烘焙店: 通过建立在线订餐平台、移动支付系统,我们将帮助您提升订单管理效率,同时利用社交媒体营销策略,增加顾客互动和品牌曝光。
2. 美容美发、美甲、纹身: 数码化可以为您带来在线预约系统、客户档案管理工具,以及视觉社交媒体平台的建设,助您吸引更多客户并提供个性化服务。
3. 批发、零售业: 数码化解决方案将帮助您优化库存管理,建立电子商务平台,提供精准的销售数据分析,为您的销售策略提供有力支持。
4. 电脑电话零售修理: 借助数码化,您可以建立在线客服系统、维修预约平台,以及数字化维修记录,提供更快捷、高效的服务。
5. 汽车修理: 数码化将为您提供预约维修系统、车辆维护提醒,以及数字化的客户满意度反馈,为汽车修理行业带来更强的客户关系管理。
6. 诊所中医: 数码化在医疗领域的应用将助力您建立电子病历、在线预约系统,提供远程医疗咨询平台,为患者提供更便捷的医疗服务。
7. 补习中心、学校、健身拳馆: 数码化将为您创造在线课程平台、学生档案管理系统,以及社交媒体宣传策略,提升您的品牌影响力和客户参与度。
8. 装修、广告、建筑业: 数码化为您提供项目管理工具、虚拟展示技术,以及数字化的客户合同管理系统,提升项目执行效率和客户体验。
9. 视频文字转语音: 我们将为您提供高效的视频文字转语音技术,使您的内容更易于传播,更适应多样化的受众。


Daniel Liew 60149282786


Creating a Digital Future, Initiating a New Era of Business

Business Digitalization Systems for Different Industries
In this rapidly changing digital era, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges. As a company dedicated to assisting SMEs in their digital transformation journey, we tailor unique digitalization approaches for various industries to lead you towards a digital future.
1. Restaurant,Bakery-
pos system,online ordering.
2. Beauty salon, manicure, tattoo-


3. wholesale, retail-

stock control,dealer ordering.

4. Computer and mobile phone retail repair-

pos,stock control,repair status checking.

5. car repair-

workshop management system.

6. Clinic and Traditional Chinese Medicine -

clinic management system.

7. Tuition centers, schools, fitness gyms-

school management system.

8. Renovation, advertising, construction industry-

Team management system.

9. Video text to speech-

Text to speech system.

Floating Item
Digitization transformation solutions tailored for different industries.

In the ever-evolving digital age, small and medium-sized enterprises are facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges. As a company dedicated to assisting SMEs in digitization, we tailor unique digital transformation approaches for various industries to guide you towards a digital future.

1.Food and Beverage, Bakery: By establishing online ordering platforms and mobile payment systems, we will help improve your order management efficiency. Additionally, we’ll utilize social media marketing strategies to increase customer engagement and brand exposure.
2. Beauty and Hair Salons, Nail Art, Tattoos: Digitalization can provide you with online appointment booking systems, customer profile management tools, and the development of visually engaging social media platforms to attract more customers and offer personalized services.
3. Wholesale and Retail: Our digitalization solutions will assist you in optimizing inventory management, creating e-commerce platforms, and providing precise sales data analytics to support your sales strategies effectively.
4. Computer and Phone Retail and Repair: With digitalization, you can establish online customer service systems, repair appointment platforms, and digitized repair records to provide faster and more efficient service.
5. Automobile Repair: Digitalization will offer appointment scheduling systems, vehicle maintenance reminders, and digital customer satisfaction feedback, enhancing customer relationship management in the auto repair industry.
6. Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinics: Digitalization applications in the healthcare sector will help you create electronic health records, online appointment systems, and remote medical consultation platforms for more convenient healthcare services.
7. Tutoring Centers, Schools, and Fitness Studios: Digitalization will create online course platforms, student record management systems, and social media promotional strategies to boost your brand’s influence and customer engagement.
8. Construction, Advertising, and Building: Digitalization will provide project management tools, virtual presentation technologies, and digitized customer contract management systems, improving project execution efficiency and customer experience.
9. Text to Speech for Videos: We will offer efficient video text-to-speech technology to make your content more accessible and adaptable to diverse audiences.
We understand that each industry has its unique needs and challenges. Therefore, we will tailor a customized digitalization transformation plan for your business based on its specific characteristics. Whether you are in any industry, digitalization will bring you a more efficient, innovative, and sustainable future. Let’s embark on a new chapter of digitalization together!

Please Whatsapp us to know more

Daniel Liew 60149282786